Build and test detailed calculations

While most scoring and result demands can be met without formulas in Brilliant Assessments, sometimes more complex criteria are required. For this, you can use Calculations.

Calculations allow you to:

  • Calculate answer values based on data collected in the assessment.

  • Calculate a score based on combinations of answers, scores, or data input, such as a number entered into the assessment.

Calculations can occur anywhere in an assessment but are not visible to the respondent.  The results of calculations can appear in charts, as a score, as text, or to drive rating text in results dashboards and feedback reports for individuals and cohorts.  They can also appear in subsequent sections as text in a question or instructions, using question piping - or they can be used to drive conditional questions, subsections, or sections.

Two levels of calculations

Calculations have two levels in Brilliant Assessments.

Result Calculations compute results, such as a Profit Ratio, by applying basic mathematical operations to numerical answers like subtraction and division.

Score Calculations are used to create a core using logic such as case statements. This creates a score based on the results calculations and the conditions of the case statement formula. One set of score calculations can define multiple score thresholds.

Setting up a Result Calculation

Calculations are created using dropdown selection to help you create formulas quickly without errors. We’ll use a profit ratio to illustrate.

Step One

First, select Sales and Expenses from the dropdowns and place them in the formula editor.  

Step Two

Next add the Operators to complete the formula.

Step Three

Then, test it by using sample inputs.

Setting Up a Score Calculation

Let’s look at how we would generate a score based on the Profit Ratio.

Draft your case statement

Case statements define conditions for assigning different scores based on the result calculation. The basic structure of a case statement is CASE WHEN (condition) THEN (result).

An example of a case draft for a profit ratio might be:

  • When the profit ratio is more than 40%, assign a score of 10 points

  • When Profit Ratios are 30% - 40%, assign a score of 5 points

  • When Profit Ratios are 20% - 30%, assign a score of 2.5 points

  • When Profit Ratios are less than 20%, assign a score of 0 points

Build the Conditions

Now that we’ve built a tested results calculation and set out what we want to build, it’s time to assemble it. First, rebuild the result calculation and add the syntax for the first set of conditions.  

Use the New Line button for every new part of your statement. Each WHEN in a case statement should be on a new line.  This doesn't affect how the calculation runs, but it makes it more readable and means you can more easily duplicate similar lines for conditions.

When you add a tile, it will always be placed at the end, but you can drag and drop it to the correct position. You can delete a tile by clicking the x in the top right of the tile. Once you’ve completed the case, finalize the case statement with the END command.

After completing the case statements, test the entire formula using sample data. Ensure that the tool calculates the correct scores based on the Profit Ratio. When scores are used in a calculation, they are returned as a percentage by default e.g. 0.6 = 60%.  If you want the Likert equivalent, multiply the score by 5 (assuming your Potential Points = 5). 

Bring calculations into your feedback

Just like standard assessment questions, calculations can be conditional, associated with segmentations and report text can be defined for when a score is calculated on a results page or feedback report.

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