All the features you need for Brilliant Assessments

Discover what Brilliant Assessments can do. Every subscription, including the free trial, gives you full access to assessment building, monetization, and feedback features. Explore the details below.

Assessment Building

  • Our assessment builder features an intuitive WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface. This makes it effortless for domain experts to add and modify assessments directly.

  • You can add unlimited instructions, including images and videos, to appear anywhere in the assessment. This is great for making your assessment experience graphical and conversational.

    About the assessment builder →

  • A wide range of Answer formats is available, including:

    • Single choice

    • Multiple choice

    • Text Boxes (one line and multiple)

    • Sliders

    • Matrix

    • Ranking statements with drag and drop

    • Dropdown lists

    • Numerics

    • Images, or video or document upload

    Plus specialist formats like NPS, Symantec differentiation, and Least/Most, as well as answers created from out-of-the-box or user-configured answer sets.

    Explore the assessment builder →

  • Scoring at the question and answer level is user-specified, including the ability to suppress scoring when a specified answer is selected (e.g., Not Applicable) and to specify default answers when no answer is selected.

  • Sections and sub-sections automatically aggregate question scores and convert them into ratings, giving assessment feedback a high granularity in results.

    Explore the assessment builder →

  • Segmentations offer an alternative or supplementary aggregation and rating method - allowing for question tagging throughout the assessment. Questions may be tagged to unlimited segmentations. Segmentations may be grouped (also unlimited).

    About Scoring and Ratings →

  • Conditional question, subsection, or Section logic with multiple combinations, both on the page and across sections, lets you ask focused and personalized questions.

    About the assessment builder →

  • Question piping allows answers to previous questions to be included in the text of questions or instructions.

    About the assessment builder →

  • Calculations allow for equations to be performed on numbers entered or selected.

    About Scoring & Ratings →

  • Validations use the calculations capability to validate entries, such as number ranges, the number of selections made, and combinations of answers.

    About Scoring & Ratings →

  • The assessment can be completely customized to match your brand standards by using your own fonts, logos, and color scheme.

    About White Labelling →

  • Assessor functionality enables an assessor to add comments and scoring to the response after the respondent has completed it. This is available at the individual and cohort level.

    About the assessment builder →

  • Responses can be in any language. Translations are available for all buttons, labels, and headings for all respondent-facing functionality.

  • Assessment Managers are limited to the responses and assessments they have been granted access.

    The data can be filtered by one or multiple:

    • Organizations (flexible, user-defined organization structure of up to five levels)

    • Classifiers (unlimited, user-defined)

    • Customer Types (user defined)

    • Groups (user defined)

    • Businesses

    • Responses Names

    • Cohort Subjects

    About the assessment builder →

Feedback & Results

  • Feedback Reports are created using assessment responses and scoring criteria set by the assessment administrator. Individual, cohort and 360 feedback reports are available upon assessment completion and can be automatically emailed to respondents or others as PDFs. Reports can also be run OnDemand as required.

  • Brilliant Assessments achieves a fully personalized results page or feedback report by enabling you to define report text based on answers or scores and generate a wide range of charts or graphics.

  • We offer over ten graphically designed templates as a starting point to facilitate the creation of a beautiful report with minimal effort. You can also design your own completely from scratch.

    • Scores and ratings (score ranges) are automatically calculated at the assessment, section, and sub-section levels. Cross-assessment segmentations allow for more complex requirements.

    • Multiple rating strategies, with weightings, can be deployed for differing analyses.

    • Calculations are also available for the most difficult scoring requirements.

    Learn more about Scoring →

  • Our range of charting styles and graphics really set us apart. Brilliant Assessments comes with a variety of enterprise-grade charts, each with many customization options to enhance the presentation of your feedback reports and results.

    Explore all charts →

  • You can add benchmark data to your charts. The system can calculate this data using past results or using data provided by you.

    Unlimited classifiers can report these benchmarks, allowing respondents to compare their performance with their peers.

  • Detailed text-based respondent feedback is available for ratings (score ranges) defined for the assessment, sections, subsections, and each individual answer if desired. This can be fully formatted and include links to resources.

  • Are you thinking about building a Brilliant Assessments-based business? You can monetize your feedback reports and results experiences by using the Partner Portal to commercialize your expertise.

Response Management

  • Assessments are initiated by:

    • an email invitation, sent by the system individually or from an uploaded list

    • respondents following a link on your website or another system

    • our respondent portal

    • using our API.

  • Responses can be invited as part of a cohort (any grouping, including a 360) to facilitate automated cohort reporting (as well as individual reporting.)

    Invitations can be initiated by an administrator/assessment manager or a contact for the cohort.

  • Enjoy customizable, branded emails with a unique encrypted URL leading to the assessment.

  • Welcome emails can be sent as invitations or created by the system when the respondent self-initiates a response to allow re-entry into the response if the respondent is interrupted.

  • Unlimited reminder emails can be sent for incomplete responses.

  • Responses can be anonymous, with no personally identifiable information required by the system.

    The report is available for download upon completion. However, responses can still be linked to a cohort or an organization.

  • Response entry is optimized for all mobile, tablet, or desktop platforms and accessible from anywhere.

  • A Respondent Portal is available (although generally not required) where respondents can review the assessments available to them and their prior results.

  • Responses can be behind a paywall, and pricing can be set in any Stripe-supported currency. Reports can also be charged for, and multiple report template versions are available.

  • Responses are usually locked on completion but can be reopened by an administrator.

    Open responses can be passed between a respondent and an assessor unlimited times.

  • The Assessor Dashboard allows administrators and assessment managers to access summary data of the responses held in the system.

    For an assessment (or multiple assessments if they have the same structure) you can view summary graphs of:

    • Responses by Status

    • Responses by Ratings

    • Responses by Respondents (limited to 1000 respondents)

    • Sections by Ratings

    • Sections by Respondents

    • Subsections by Ratings

    • Subsections by Respondents

    • Segmentations by Ratings

    • Segmentations by Respondents

    • Questions by Answer

Cohort Management

A cohort is a group of responses invited and reported together. Typically, this is a team or 360 Assessment.

  • Assessments are initiated by an email invitation, sent by the system individually or from an uploaded list, by respondents following a link on your website or another system, from our respondent portal, or using our API.

    Respondents or raters within the cohort can be specified and invited by the administrator or by the 360 subjects or cohort contact.

  • Respondents are invited by role; roles can be selected for the organization. Anonymous respondents can also be invited by role.

  • Cohort Reports can be set to automatically send to the subject or cohort contact after the completion date, provided that the required number of responses has been received.

    The response count can be overall or role-based. The system will automatically retry for two months after completion date until the response count is achieved.

  • Cohort respondents can receive individual reports if appropriate.

  • Assessor functionality enables an assessor to add comments and scoring after the respondents have completed it.

  • Dynamic cohorts allow for adding and removing responses from cohort to cohort. A response can be a member of multiple cohorts.

  • Cohort reporting can analyze any grouping of responses, including organization-wide, in addition to reporting on cohorts (groups of respondents invited together).

    Reports can be built to be as simple or comprehensive as required.  They use the same Merge Word technology as used for Individual Feedback reports and have the same flexibility.

  • Responses can be filtered by one or multiple:

    o Organization structure of up to five levels

    o Classifiers (unlimited, user-defined)

    o Customer Types (user defined)

    o Groups (user defined)

    o Businesses

    o Responses Names

    o Cohort Subjects

  • Reporting can be averaged for the group or segmented using an unlimited variety of criteria:

    • Respondent

    • Role

    • Classifier (unlimited, defined by administrator) Iteration

    • Rating (normally with counts)

  • Iterations can be defined at any level — Individuals, groups, 360s — to show program effectiveness or change over time.

  • Recommendations and comments can be included, based on the group’s average score, at the assessment, section, subsection or segmentation level.

Partner Portal

A Partner Portal is a whitelabelled portal where partners and customers are given secure access to manage their responses and reporting.


Iterations report multiple responses by an individual or cohorts (360’s or any group) to show progress over time.

  • If you want to control when the next iteration is sent to respondents, you can manage this at an individual or cohort level.

  • The system can automatically detect iterations through the email address or generate them based on specific timing set by administrators.

  • Difference functionality allows for charting and commenting on the improvement or regression.

White Labelling

Brilliant Assessments is a completely white-labelled platform, from the assessment builder to the assessment itself to results and feedback reports.

  • Responses, reports, results, and all self-management screens can be fully branded to your brand, including fonts for every component.

  • The Partner Portal experience can be white-labelled just as your Assessment Manager experience is. Partners’ responses and reports can be set to use their branding and wording.

  • Want to bring your domain to your Brilliant Assessment? URLs can be updated to a subdomain of your domain name (e.g. assess.[yourdomain].com)

  • All emails from Brilliant Assessments can be configured to be sent from your email address. This improves response rates as recipients see that the message comes from a source they know and trust.