Building your brilliant assessment

The Assessment Builder is designed around the structure of an assessment and how it is scored to facilitate a simple way of building highly detailed and complex assessments.

Explore the elements of the Assessment Builder experience in more detail below.

Your assessment your way

Bring your brilliant brand to every corner of the assessment.

Brilliant Assessments is completely white labeled, enabling you to bring your brand and your customer’s branding to every corner of the assessment. Components that can be branded include:

  • Assessments

  • The builder experience

  • Partner Portals

  • Log in portals

  • Results

  • Feedback reports

Manage and automate the respondent experience.

There are many ways to manage how your assessment is sent out to respondents. Email invitations can be sent from the system and completely automated, as can reminder. Emails can also be used to send reminders, and deliver feedback reports whenever someone completes the assessment.

Alternatively, individual assessments and cohorts can be completely user-driven, with iterations and all reporting fully automated.

If you want a little more control, you can manually manage when iterations are sent.

Create your assessment in the way it will be taken.

The assessment builder experience is based on how a respondent will take your assessment. This helps to keep the scoring and ratings that control results and feedback front and center as you build.

Structure your assessment with sections, subsections, and conditional components.

The structure of an assessment is often used to generate scoring and rating combinations in the feedback.

Most assessments are created on a hierarchy of:

  • Sections: commonly used to group themes or topics.

  • Subsections: commonly used to group questions or subtopics

  • Questions

A section and subsection can contain any number of questions, and grouping parts of the assessment in this way is completely optional.

Questions can also be shown based on conditions, with up to five ‘and’ criteria (see the part marked A on the picture) and unlimited ‘or’ criteria (marked B on the picture).

Commercialize your assessments

Adding a payment gate to your assessment is easy in Brilliant Assessments. Through our Stripe integration, you can manage payments in any currency, set to and from pricing based on purchase volume, and embed a link to the payment page on your website or in an email campaign.

Assessments can also be sold as Allotments through the Partner Portal experience.

The core components of
your brilliant assessment


These are the pages of your assessment and often relate to the various topics your assessment covers. You can have any number of sections.


Use subsections to group sub-topics or related questions together; typically, they are used for scoring and feedback at a granular level.


Questions can include unlimited instructions (which can include images and videos), be conditional and question piping and tooltips are also available to guide respondents.


These can be text boxes, sliders, single and multiple-choice options, rankings, or other types of responses.

An answer for (almost) anything

When crafting a meaningful assessment, the type of answers you offer can be as crucial as the questions you ask. Brilliant Assessments provides a range of answer types to suit different needs.

Single & multiple choice

Single and Multi-choice answers are listed vertically, aligned with the questions. This format is ideal for situations where each question has unique answer choices. It is also super mobile-friendly.


The matrix answer type arranges options horizontally across the page. This is typically used for scoring-type questions that range from 1 to 7 and are presented alongside multiple questions.


Drop-down answers are displayed in a box that contains all the possible answers for a particular question. This is a space-saving option, especially useful for long lists like countries.

Text boxes

Text boxes allow free text responses, providing an open field for answers. Multi-line text boxes allow formatting and unlimited text to be entered.


Sliders feature a horizontal slider bar beneath the question, allowing for either numeric or text-based responses. This answer type is also useful for Semantic Differential Questions.


Designed for numerical responses, number answers mean the system will only accept numbers in the field. A decimal answer field is also available to capture responses like currency amounts.


Ranking answers use drag-and-drop lists. The resondent can drag answers into the required order by selecting (clicking or touching) anywhere in the question. 

Image & video

Brilliant Assessments allow image and video answers and can be recorded in situ as long as access to the device’s camera is provided. A cropping tool is also included in the process.

Documents & files

Brilliant Assessments permit the attachment of common documents or files to the response, providing a way to collect additional information. Files are virus-checked during upload.

Get started

Ready to see what Brilliant Assessments can achieve for you? Try an assessment out to see what the respondent’s experience is like and what a demo for a full assessment building walkthrough.