Analytics for Assessment Managers

Review responses and generate assessor reports

If you are the assessment manager or owner, you may want to report on completion rates and how your audience engages with the assessment. You might also want to export assessment data for further analysis using Excel or another platform. All of this is achievable with the assessor tools in Brilliant Assessments.

Cohort Feedback Reports

Generate a cohort feedback report for your assessment to display any combination of metrics. Filter the feedback report to create a document specific to an organization, business, cohort, list of respondents, and more.

Custom Reports

Custom Reports allow you to export a detailed breakdown of responses, scores, and answer details organized by the overall assessment, section, subsection, segmentation, or questions. A simple selection table gives you the option to specify the order in which you want them to appear.


The Assessor Dashboard is helpful for summarizing the data of responses held in the system.  For an assessment (or multiple assessments if they have the same structure such as multi-lingual assessments), you can view summary charts at the response, section, subsection, or segmentation levels.

Your analytics, export-ready

You can download dashboard charts as image files ready for use in documents or presentations, or you can collect data in a spreadsheet for further analysis.

Popular Dashboard Views

Sections, Subsections & Segmentations

Slice and dice data at various levels of the assessment and split by rating or respondent.


View response data based on the completion status, ratings or even by respondents.

Answer Distribution

Get down to the details with an overview of how answers are distributed for each question. Apply filters to focus on specific areas of the assessment.