How Brilliant Assessments enable People Untapped to deliver 360 learning and development assessments and services

People Untapped is a People and Organization Development consultancy, specializing in interventions that unlock the untapped potential in people, teams, and organizations. They offer a full spectrum of learning and development services, and through their worldwide network of expert coaches, facilitators and consultants, they have the infrastructure, capability, and experience to deliver globally.


Case Study: Brilliant Assessments and People Untapped

People Untapped uses Brilliant Assessments to deliver targeted, impact-focused development programs. Founder and CEO Helen Hamilton emphasizes the importance of rigorous assessment, stating, "Measuring capability in a space that is quite soft and ambiguous has always been something very important to me."

Brilliant Assessments provide a significant advantage to People Untapped through "a level of recommendation and dynamism in reporting," directly contributing to their coaching and training effectiveness. Hambleton explains,

"For many years now, we've been using assessments in a variety of formats — some quite simple and rudimentary and some more complex — to be able to measure and assess where a delegate or coachee is at the beginning of their journey and where they get to once we've finished our work with them."

Getting down to the details

One key differentiator for People Untapped is its ability to provide detailed recommendations. Many of the services delivered by People Untapped emphasize the importance of offering learners clear guidance on improving skills based on assessment outcomes. Brilliant Assessments filled this gap by enabling personalized development recommendations directly tied to assessment results.

"Rather than just giving a delegate or a learner a snapshot in time of their capabilities, I wanted to actually give them — based on a self-assessment or a 360 — some recommendations of what they could do as a result. I was scouring the world, really, for platforms where there was a level of dynamic reporting, so we could easily manage 360 processes with lots of delegates and lots of respondents and not be doing that manually, but also so that we could have a level of recommendation and that dynamism in reporting."

Keeping track of change over time

Brilliant Assessments’ ability to support large-scale, repeatable assessments that measured progress over extended periods sealed the deal for People Untapped. For example, People Untapped frequently conducts a 360-degree feedback process at the start and conclusion of their leadership development program. This repeated measurement allows them to demonstrate their interventions' progression and tangible results, validating their methods with reliable, quantifiable data. Hambleton says, "it is enabling us to really help clients, for example, to create almost a training needs analysis, to identify what their priority development needs are."

"If we get lots of their organization to complete a diagnostic, it's also enabling us to do repeat assessments or iterations. So we might do a 360 at the beginning of a program, and we might do a repeat 360 six months later to be able to actually look at what’s changed in that time. That repeatability, and also the recommendations and the bespoke nature of the reports, is really delivering what we were looking for."

Managing assessments at scale

Brilliant Assessments significantly help People Untapped to manage complex, large-scale training initiatives involving numerous delegates and respondents. Helen Hamilton emphasizes this advantage: "We're certainly finding that where we've got large volumes of delegates or large volumes of respondents, Brilliant Assessments enables us to manage programs at scale globally."

This technological capability also allows People Untapped to expand their programs more effectively and adapt assessment tools for various organizational contexts.

"If, like us, you're an organization that supports multiple clients and you have core assessments or core diagnostics you want to repeat time and time again, but maybe in slightly different flavors for different clients, then it's a great platform to start using."

A big thank you to Helen Hambleton for agreeing to be interviewed and share her experiences using the Brilliant Assessments platform. To learn more about People Untapped, please visit their website here.

Sophie Oxley

Founder of Sophie SaaS Marketing - the b2b SaaS marketing agency. AI enthusiast, slightly mad marketer.

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